Solar Attic Fans: 50% Rebate in Indiana
Solar water heating: 30% Rebate in Indiana
Duke offers rebates on high-efficiency lighting, motors, pumps, and air-conditioning units (including heat pumps). These incentives are prescriptive, based on the efficiency and capacity of equipment, but a custom program is also available. Eligibility is limited to customers with a demand less than 500 kW. Total incentives are capped at $50,000 per calendar year per facility for all eligible equipment. Duke Energy offers the Smart $aver Incentive Program.
Vectren offers rebates to its gas customers for high-efficiency gas equipment, in addition to $1.00/therm for first-year savings on custom gas-saving projects. Incentives are capped at the lower of 30% of project cost or $25,000 per site per year.
Citizens Gas offers a set of prescriptive rebates for customers acquiring high-efficiency gas equipment, such as boilers, furnaces, and water heaters, as well as for steam trap servicing and boiler tune-ups. Custom incentives, at 30% of project cost, are also available up to a maximum of $25,000.
Indiana's Office of Energy Development (OED) sponsors the Indiana Solar Thermal Grant Program, by which solar thermal systems are cost-shared at 25% of their installed cost, up to $25,000. The program's proposal window for 2010 was during the month of August, but it may be offered again in 2011.